[台中眷村菜][大雅428] 孟記復興餐廳飄香半世紀的眷村老味兒 ... | 公私立國民中學網
Although the authentic taste of military dependents village is becoming increasingly
hard to find, there are still some old establishments that remain steadfast. One such
example is Meng Ji Fu Xing Restaurant, which the refrigerator visited today. It has
stood tall for over half a century in the Qingquan Gang area.
電冰箱新食譜書各大通路熱賣中一人餐桌這邊買唷: http://bit.ly/2EIIRGx[1]胖肉爺肉店線上賣場,歡迎參觀選購:
https://myship.7-11.com.tw/general/detail/GM2210311196437[2]老實說,這家餐廳的地理位置真的有給他偏僻到有找,導航只是錯過一 個路口竟然就又繞了一大圈,還好最後還是順利到達。雖然是非假日的 晚餐時刻,店門口早已停滿前來用餐顧客的名車,可見東西好吃,不管 多偏僻饕客還是一樣會殺過來的。
To be honest, the geographical location of this restaurant is indeed quite remote and challenging to find. My navigation system even missed a junction, causing me to take
a detour. Fortunately, I eventually managed to arrive successfully. Despite it not being
a holiday, the restaurants entrance was already fi...